
Scholarly discretion in legislation [permissible or prohibited] Q585 :While discussing the question on smoking some time back you remarked that “everything is permissible unless there is cause to prohibit it. This is a basic principle which applies to food and drink in the same way as it applies to actions and practices.” However, more recently…

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Satan Q584 :Satan A584 : Both Satan and his allies are too weak to be feared by any believer who relies on his Lord and has His support. The only power to be feared is the one which can truly cause harm and benefit. That is Allah’s power, feared by those who believe in Allah.…

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Sadaqah Q583 :It is common knowledge that sadaqah is financial help given for Allah’s sake. Some people suggest that it is extended to include any friendly help. From the financial angle, how is sadaqah different from zakah. Please advise. A583 : The Arabic term “sadaqah” is one of a few to which Islam gives a…

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Sacrifice of a sheep when laying foundation of a house Q582 :Some people believe that a sacrifice of a sheep prior to laying the foundation of a house is necessary to protect the house and its inhabitants. Please comment. A582 : I know that the practice of slaughtering a sheep when one starts to erect…

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Sa’ie and jogging with a woman companion Q581 :If one is doing the sa’ie with a woman companion, his wife or mother, what should they do in the area where pilgrims are required to jog? Should the man not jog or should the woman jog in order to stay together. A581 : Jogging between the…

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