
Usury: the nature of Q660 :In a previous answer on the question of riba, you stated: When a person borrows money from another, they specify a time for repayment. If the borrower cannot settle the loan at a specified time, he goes to the lender and asks him: “Would you agree to postpone settlement and…

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Usury: the banking system Q659 :When, how and why was usury made forbidden? How is it possible to survive in today’s commercial world where banking plays an important role without having to deal in interest which is charged by banks? A659 : At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) usury, or…

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Usage of abbreviation A.D. Q658 :Is it wrong to use the abbreviation A.D., as we Muslims do not believe in the death of Christ while the abbreviation denotes “after death.” A658 : I see nothing wrong with the usage of the abbreviation A.D. In the dating of history events, to denote that a certain event…

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Q657 Urs: A death anniversary Q657 :You have written in the past on the worship of graves and saints. On occasions you have touched on the practice known as Urs in some parts of India (and Pakistan). I am sending you a leaflet inviting people to come to such Urs. I will be grateful for…

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Unlawful earnings: What to do with it? Q656 :A few years back I came to offer the Umrah and I feel that Allah has answered my prayer to help me have only legitimate earnings. Since then, all my income comes from legitimate sources, praise be to Allah. I am, however, confused about my past earnings…

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Unlawful earnings: Suspicion and assumption Q655 :A relative of mine has a modest monthly salary, but he is leading a life of plenty. He seems to be able to have whatever money he needs. I know that his extra earnings are unlawful. Is it permissible to eat anything at his house? How are his children…

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Unlawful earnings: People with unlawful earnings; eating their food Q654 :Is it permissible to eat food offered by Muslims whose known sources of income fall within the range of either forbidden or suspicious? Do people who work in banking or life insurance and those who are known to take bribes fall in this category? A654…

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Unlawful earnings: Its effects on wife and children Q653 :If a man makes a great deal of unlawful earnings, will that affect his wife and children? How can he escape punishment on the Day of Judgment? A653 : There is a basic rule in Islam which tells us that everyone is responsible for his or…

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Unlawful earnings: In the past Q652 :A trading company which obtained interest based banking facilities for conducting its business made a good profit which was paid to the shareholders. The general manager, who at the same time was a major partner, bought some land and real estate with what he had received from the company.…

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Umrah: Offered on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Thul-Hajjah Q651 :The author of a book in Urdu says that Umrah cannot be offered on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Thul-Hajjah, even if one has performed the pilgrimage. Please comment. A651 : If the author means that a person who is offering the pilgrimage…

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