
Umrah: In the month of Shawwal Q650 :1. I went to Jeddah in connection with my work. When I was preparing to go to Makkah for Umrah after finishing my work, my friends advised me that since it was the month of Shawwal, no one may offer the Umrah unless he is preparing to do…

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Umrah: Entering the state of Consecration [i.e. Ihram] Q649 :If I travel in Jeddah for some personal business and then perform Umrah after its completion, where do I enter into the state of consecration? A649 : If your journey is for some business which may take you a day or two, and then you want…

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Umrah: Consecutive Umrahs Q648 :Can one person perform a second Umrah immediately after he has finished the first one? A648 : There is nothing to stop a person from offering another Umrah after he has finished one. However, when he finishes the Umrah, he has to release himself from ihraam. For second one, he has…

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Umrah: A duty Q647 :If one performed the Umrah, must he also perform Haj? Is it true that if he does not, the Umrah will not be valid? A647 : I must admit that I find this argument intriguing. Why should the delayed performance of one duty affect another duty which has already been performed?…

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