
Visiting the graves Q664 :What is the Islamic view of visiting the graves of relatives to pray Allah to make the soul of the deceased rest in peace? People also visit the tombs of saints, thinking that such visits will make Allah fulfil their requests with promptness. How far should we differentiate between a visit…

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Vigilante group formed to enforce Islamic laws Q663 :I have recently received a letter from my hometown where the community is multi-religious but the majority are unbelievers. The letter says that Muslims have formed a vigilante group, constraining all Muslims to attend the five daily prayers and refrain from drinking alcohol. If a person is…

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Video of a wedding Q662 :In my part of the world, Muslim scholars object to the taking of photographs and videos of weddings, saying that it is un-Islamic to do so. What is the Islamic view on this? A662 : Taking photographs and filming videos are not objectionable in themselves. Some scholars say that photography…

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Video and photography Q661 :Does Islam prohibit the use of video cameras or taking pictures, for any purpose? Could you cite any reference to such a prohibition in the Qur’an or the Hadith? A661 : A number of Hadiths are quoted which make it clear that it is forbidden to create a likeness of Allah’s…

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