
Worship: Wrong practices with religious appearance Q716 :In my home country there are many people who do not follow Islam or fulfill its major duties, such as prayer. Instead, they attend graveyards and visit the tombs of some religious personalities, asking for their help. They do not miss performing “fatihah” every month, on the first…

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Worship: Practices – ingenious teachings or revelations Q715 :In every religion, worship practices have been established by some genius religious people. This is also true in the case of Islam. We do not have any detailed instructions regarding the way we should pray, but the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us that.…

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Worship: Credits, injustice and forgiveness Q714 :I have a friend who, as a young man, is a model of good behavior. He is God-fearing, and dutiful to his parents, keen to help others and hard-working. He is trusting and he feels that by doing good, he and his family will lead a happy life. One…

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Working for a non-Muslim government. Q713 :Could you please comment on the permissibility of Muslims being employed by non-Muslim government? A713 : The answer depends on various variables. What we can say, however, is that if the government concerned is not in an actual state of war with any Muslim country, then the Muslim individual…

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Women: Widows and the restrictions on them Q712 :In our part of the world, when a man dies his widow is kept in isolation for four months. She is allowed to see only closest relatives such as her parents, children, brothers and sisters. Her movement into other rooms of the house is also restricted. Sometimes,…

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Women: Waiting period – reasons for regulating the period Q711 :1. After a relative of mine was divorced, she had a new proposal. Because of certain circumstances, the man who has put in the proposal is in a hurry to get the marriage officially recorded. The problem is that she has not yet finished her…

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Women: Visiting graves Q710 :May I refer to an earlier answer by you when you suggested that women are allowed to visit graves. If the Hadith you have quoted is authentic, then it shall supersede earlier sayings by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), concerning the same subject. Could you please include the full…

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Women: Veil Q709 :May I request you to clarify in detail the question of women’s veil. I am studying to be a doctor, and I find that having to cover my face all the time is extremely impractical. I know that you have mentioned that a woman need not cover her face and her hands…

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Women: Undoing their hair when taking bath Q708 :You have mentioned that a woman need not undo her hair when she takes a bath for purification. How does she do it then? A708 : If a woman wears her hair long and she has plaits, it is going to take her quite a long time…

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Women: Unacceptable treatment of women Q707 :I am referring to a practice which is found in many parts of the world. If a woman is walking alone, she is subjected to a great deal of teasing. If a woman is seen in the marketplace, many a young man try to touch or tease her. What…

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