
Women: Travel by taxi Q706 :Is it acceptable for a woman to take a taxi or limousine or to be driven by the family driver when she is alone or with her young children? If not, how can women arrange their transport if they must go out to attend to an important duty during the…

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Woman: Supporting husband Q705 :Both my husband and I were students when we got married. Neither of us had a job and shortly after our marriage, my husband lost his allowance from his parents because of a change in their circumstances. My father supported us and our child was born when I was still a…

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Women: Status of women in Islam Q704 :What is the position of women in Islam. What are the rights of women? What are the duties of a Muslim woman, as a wife, mother and daughter? A704 : Full size books have been written on this subject, particularly in the last few decades, because scholars have…

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Women: Segregation and seclusion of Q703 :What is the purpose of women’s segregation and seclusion? A703 : I am not exactly certain of what you mean by women being kept in seclusion. If you are suggesting that women are kept at home all the time, this is hardly true anywhere in the Muslim world. They…

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Women: Seductively dressed up Q702 :The Prophet is quoted to have condemned the women who, “Although clothed, are yet naked, seducing and being seduced, their hairstyle is like the tilted humps of camels. These will not enter paradise nor will its fragrance even reach them, although its fragrance reaches a very great distance.” Could you…

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Women: Role in a war Q701 :Can a woman be the commander of an army or a group of Mujahideen? A701 : Islam does not require women to fight in a war or Jihad. The Prophet was asked whether women should take part in any Jihad campaign. He answered: “Women are required to share in…

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Women riding horses or swimming Q700 :According to Islamic law, are women allowed to ride horses? If not, please explain why? A700 : Horse riding is an activity encouraged by the Prophet. He has urged us to teach our children “good marksmanship, swimming and horse riding.” His statement includes both sons and daughters. When a…

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Women: Restrictions on Q699 :A Muslim woman who is keen on abiding by the teachings of Islam is nevertheless very assertive of her freedom. She claims that there is nothing in the Qur’an to suggest that women cannot travel alone. To her, freedom means that she can travel wherever and whenever she wishes. Please comment.…

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Women: Puberty at a very early age Q698 :If a girl attains puberty at a very early age, say, nine or 11 years, should she maintain hijab when she is with her male cousins? If she travels to a foreign country, could she wait until she has finished primary school before she wears a scarf?…

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Women provided protection Q697 :If a Muslim woman is raped by a non-Muslim and she gets pregnant, what is her position in Muslim society, and what is the position of her child? If the woman is married, how shall the husband deal with this matter? Can he divorce his wife? Can he accept the child…

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