
Woman: Kept as mother of children and not as wife Q686 :A man came home to find his wife lying on her bed, fully dressed, with a cousin of hers sitting on the bedside close to her. She assures him that nothing serious took place between her and her relative. She says she is prepared…

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Women: In politics – electioneering for position Q685 :Does Islam allow women to run in the elections for position in government or to hold political office? Perhaps, I do not need to add that contesting an election normally requires campaigning which involves addressing rallies and making speeches to mixed audiences. Is it also permissible for…

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Women: In politics – a general outlook Q684 :Women: In politics – a general outlook A684 : When we consider the life and needs of any family, it is easy to identify two main tasks which must be properly undertaken and fulfilled. These are the satisfaction of the immediate needs of the members of the…

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Women: In congregation Q683 :Where exactly should the wife stand physically in relation to her husband when they pray in congregation ? A683 : If two women are praying in congregation together, the woman leading the prayer stands a little ahead of the two who must stand to the right of the imam. However, if…

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Women: Hair styles Q682 :Is it true that only married women may wear their hair short, if they so choose? Young girls, it is said, do not have this option. Their parents may not allow them to cut their hair. A682 : The whole notion of having one rule for married women with regard to…

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Women: Earnings – Who benefits by a married woman’s wages Q681 :May I put to you the case of a married couple, both of whom are medical doctors. The husband takes up a job in Saudi Arabia and his wife joins him two years later. When she applies for a job, he makes an effort…

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Women: Duties toward parents after marriage Q680 :I would be grateful if you explain the duties of a married woman toward her parents. Can a Muslim husband stop his wife from visiting her parents, and threaten her with divorce if she visits them? How often should she visit them in normal circumstances? What if they…

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Women: Dress code and covering the faces Q679 :May I point out some statements given in the answers by you which do not seem to tally with each other. They concern the way Muslim women should dress in public. At one point, you say that a woman’s dress must not be an attraction and that…

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Women: Covering their head in public Q678 :Is it explicitly stated in the Qur’an that women must cover their hair in public? If so, in which surah and in what verse? A678 : The simple answer is yes. Verse 31 of Surah 24, entitled “Light”, or “An-Noor”, deals specifically with how women should appear in…

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Women: Covering their face Q677 :My wife and I have recently become Muslims. On visiting Madinah recently, my wife was told by a door attendant at the Prophet’s Mosque that she must cover her face. He quoted the Qur’anic verse which may be rendered in translation; “Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and believing women…

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