
Zakah: Investment of zakah money Q723 :I plan to establish a trust out of zakah and charity (i.e. sadaqah) money and invest such funds in some profitable business. My plan is to distribute the annual earnings of the business to deserving students on merit. How far is this acceptable, taking in view that this will…

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Zakah: Family arrangements of a ‘house-zakah’ liability Q722 :A few years ago I bought a house and registered it in my wife’s name for the simple reason that I want her to be independent when I die. As we are living in Saudi Arabia, I have made arrangements to let it. I paid about about…

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Zakah: Expenditure – are these legitimate zakah expenses? Q721 :My brother who used to be a zakah-payer sent his son abroad for higher education. However, the rising cost of education had stretched his means. He is now borrowing money in order to pay his son. I do not know whether my brother is still a…

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Zakah: Deduction by the state on savings accounts Q720 :In Pakistan, government deducts zakah directly from bank deposits of Sunni Muslims. Those who are Shi’a or Ismailis are exempt from this provided they submit a statement signed under oath and witnessed by two persons of their religious affiliations. Is our government allowed by Islamic law…

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Zakah: Can step-children be beneficiaries of zakah? Q719 :Could you please consider the case of a widow with three children who were about to be thrown out on the street by the landlord for failing to pay the rent. Having heard of what had happened, a kind hearted neighbour took the widow and her children…

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Zakah: A tax liability? Q718 :I live in a rented accommodation, since I do not have a house of my own. I have earmarked a certain amount of my savings for the purchase of a plot of land to built a house. Since I have not been able to get the plot of land which…

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Zakah : A mutual social security system devised by Allah Q717 :Sometime back when I was on vacation, someone I know needed financial help. I gave her some of my zakah, which was a substantial amount. I did not mention that what I gave her was zakah money, but I told her not to return…

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Zakatul-fitr: Uses of Q740 :Is it permissible to collect zakatul-fitr and pool it together so that the money collected may be used for the purpose of financing the marriage of poor Muslim girls in our locality? A740 : Zakatul-fitr is a charitable donation which is payable as a duty by every Muslim who has any…

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Zakatul-fitr: Payment at place of residence or back home? Q739 :Is it true that we should pay zakatul-fitr in the place where we have sighted the moon of Shawal? Many of us expatriates arrange for that zakah to be paid in our home countries. One reason why we do that is because we cannot identify…

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Zakah: Women’s jewellery-limit Q738 :I understand that each family is allowed 85 grams of gold. However, a middle class Muslim family possesses about 200 grams of gold in jewelry, which is used by the mother and her daughter. They need more for their own use, i.e. for the marriage of the daughter and her brother.…

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