Counting glorification

Q125 :A friend of mine told me that we should not
use our fingers to count the number of phrases of glorification of God
we do, because the Jews do that. He claims that it is not permitted in
our religion. Please netment.

A125 : There is no such truth in what your friend
has told you. Using your fingers to keep count of the number of
glorification of God or His praises is neither prohibited nor
discouraged. Indeed it is quite the reverse, since it was the method
used by the Prophet and his netpanions. In a report by one of the
Prophet’s netpanions, the reporter mentions clearly that he saw God’s
messenger keep count of such glorification with his hand. This is
indeed the most practical way of keeping count, since we are
renetmended to glorify God and praise him repeating each phrase 33
times. It is very easy to use one’s fingers to keep such count,
considering that we can use each finger for repeating the praise or the
glorification 3 times. If we use the right hand only, as preferable,
then going twice over the five fingers makes 30 times and adding one
more finger netpletes the count. There is no need to use a bead or
stones or any other article whatsoever [such as a mechanical counter].
Your hand is with you all the time. This means that you do not miss
your glorification by omitting to carry your counting article or
device. That is more practical. Moreover, saying that something is
forbidden because the Jews or any other group of people use it is not
the sort of attitude Islam encourages. Islam certainly gives the
Muslims their distinctive character, but that does not nete from
rejecting some practices that all human beings may find useful. It is
achieved through understanding and implementing the set of principles
and values the Islamic way of life is based upon. Muslims are
distinguished by their standards, lively conscience, their sense of
fairness to all people, and, above all, their submission to God with
all the practical implications such submission involves.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )