Divorce: Where the Divorcee resides
during the waiting period

Q165 :Where the Divorcee resides during the waiting

A165 : The Islamic Shari’ah requires that the
divorced woman remains in her home, her husband’s house, for the
duration of her iddah (waiting period). It is not permissible for her
to move from the house, as it is likewise not permissible for her
husband to evict her without a just cause. This requirement leaves the
way open, during the iddah following a first or second pronouncement of
divorce, for the husband to revert to his wife without the requirement
of remarriage. Her presence in the same house with him makes it quite
probable that the mutual sympathy and love between them may be
rekindled. If she is pregnant, the passing of months will make her
pregnancy obvious, which may be a further inducement to him to change
his mind. In any case, ample time is at their disposal to reconsider
the whole situation. With the healing effect of time, feelings of
antipathy may give place to affection and reconciliation, and the
revitalization of their love may occur. …And fear Allah, your Lord.
Do not turn them out of their houses, nor shall they leave (of their
own accord) unless they netmit some clear immorality; and these are the
limits set by Allah. And whoever transgresses Allah’s limits indeed
wrongs his own soul. Thou knowest not; it may be that Allah will
afterwards bring some new thing to pass. (65:1) If they must separate,
it should be done with dignity and kindness, without mutual abuse,
injury, recrimination, or infringement of rights, Says Allah Ta’ala:
“Either retain them in kindness or part with them in
kindness…”(2:229). “For divorced women a provision (shall be made) in
kindness, a duty for those who are conscious of Allah.”(2:241).

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )