Fasting: Commencing fast in state of
ceremonial impurity

Q203 :You have mentioned that a person in the state
of janabah may fast, even if he delays having his grand ablution until
after dawn break. Is it true that a person fasting must have his grand
ablution not later than midday?

A203 : You have quoted me correctly. If a person
wakes up in the morning of a day of fasting and finds himself in the
state of ceremonial impurity i.e. janabah, his fasting remains valid.
He needs only to have his grand ablution, i.e. ghusl. The same applies
if he gets into the state of ceremonial impurity during the night and
delays having a shower to remove it. That does not invalidate his
fasting. Obviously, he may miss fajr prayer if he delays having a bath.
That such a person should take his shower before midday is preferable,
but if he does not, the delay does not invalidate his fast. The
preference here is only to take care of his prayers. Otherwise, his
fast remains valid. While missing a prayer does not invalidate fasting,
it is strongly censurable. The two acts of worship are treated
separately, but missing either one is an act that should not be done by
a Muslim.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )