Fasting: For forty

Q205 :In some parts of India, some people observe
fasting for forty days. I read in some religious books that it is
discouraged. Some people argue, however, that it is perfectly
permissible. [Please netment.]

A205 : The Prophet (peace be upon him) left nothing
of importance to us in our worship or in matters of faith, generally,
without telling us about it. If there were somethings which bring us
nearer to Allah, he has certainly pointed them out. When we follow his
example, we follow the most perfect man who ever lived. Moreover, he
did nothing of his own accord. Everything that he told us about our
faith was revealed to him by Allah. His revelations include the Qur’an
and the Hadith. The first is expressed in Allah’s own words, while the
second in his own expression of what Allah has revealed to him. We
know that the Prophet did not fast a whole month at any time except the
month of Ramadhan. In other months, he fasted on some days and did not
fast on others. He also encouraged us to fast on certain days. What the
Prophet has taught us is the correct thing and what he has omitted is
not part of our faith. We notice that in all his teachings about
voluntary fasting, he has not renetmended us to fast more than three
days consecutively. He renetmended to fast on the middle days, i.e. 13,
14 and 15 of lunar months. He also spoke about fasting on Mondays and
Thursdays and when he was pressed by one or two of his netpanions about
more voluntary fasting, he said that the maximum was that practiced by
Prophet David, which was to fast on alternate days. Taking all his
teachings together, I would say that fasting for forty days
consecutively is discouraged. Voluntary fasting, on the other hand, is
encouraged according to the Prophet’s teachings and on the basis named
by him.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )