Advice to parents,

Q21 :How can I advise my parents and elders to
offer their prayers regularly and to fast during Ramadhan?

A21 : The Prophet says: “Good faith is to give
good counsel.” In his reply for a clarification as to whom good counsel
should be given, the Prophet included the leaders of the Muslim
netmunity and everyone in that netmunity. Encouraging anyone to attend
regularly to his prayers and Islamic duties is certainly to give him
good counsel. If one’s parents are lax in observing such duties, it is
certainly required of their son to try to persuade them to do so. In so
doing, he should be gentle and kind and should remind them of the
gravity of incurring Allah’s displeasure. He should also show them that
it is very easy to observe such duties. One should not give the
impression that he is a better person than the one he advises. This is
particularly offensive if it is addressed to a parent or an elder.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )