Girls traveling for

Q236 :Can Muslim girls go to a non-Muslim country
for study and enroll in a mixed institution of education?

A236 : What a Muslim girl should not do is to
travel alone, whether to a Muslim or a non-Muslim country. She must be
acnetpanied by a mahram who may be either a husband or a close relative
whom she may not marry,such as her father, brother, son, uncle, etc.
You must have noticed that here in Kingdom, when a woman signs a
contract for employment, she is required to have a mahram neting with
her. If she does not have a mahram she may not be issued a visa,
despite her having a contract of employment. Studying in mixed
institution of education depends on how the students conduct
themselves.That a woman attends a lecture in a university which is
attended by both men and women is permissible.What is not permissible
is to socialize in the way it is practiced in the West.Therefore, if a
Muslim woman observes the standards of propriety then she may pursue
her studies in any institute.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )