Alcohol: In soft

Q24 :I attach copies of two letters from the
manufacturers of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola which clearly indicate that
alcohol is a part of the basic formula of both of these drinks. In the
light of this information, is it permissible for Muslims to consume
these drinks?

A24 : Thank you for attaching copies of these two
letters. I will begin by quoting the relevant parts. The manufacturers
of Coca-Cola in Britain say in their letter: “Some of the flavors in
our products are produced by an alcohol extraction of natural
substances. However, the extremely small amount of alcohol involved in
the process benetes insignificant in the beverage.” Schweppes
International which produces Pepsi-Cola says: “Pepsi-Cola contains only
a small amount of alcohol, which is present in order to dissolve the
flavoring. The netposition of the natural flavoring is confidential and
it is only known to a few individuals of the Pepsi Headquarters in
U.S.A.” Both letters indicate clearly that alcohol is used in the
preparation of these beverages. Hence, it is right to ask whether they
remain permissible or not. In order to answer this question clearly, it
is important to remind ourselves that what Allah has forbidden is what
intoxicates, not a substance. No Qur’anic verse or Hadith refers to
alcohol as forbidden, but we have several Hadiths, in addition to the
Qur’anic orders, which make it clear that any drink that intoxicates is
forbidden. The Prophet explains that when intoxication is produced by
taking only a very large amount of a particular drink, then it is
forbidden even to have a sip of it. The important thing is, then, to
know whether a drink intoxicates or not. Human experience shows that
no one begins to feel any intoxication after drinking any amount of
Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola. Besides, there is no indication whatsoever
that any cola drink is habit-forming, or that the continuous
consumption of that drink leads to dependence on it. If there was a
sign of any of these or other aspects of intoxication, then we would
have attributed that effect to the alcohol used in these beverages, and
we would have concluded that they benete forbidden as a result. What
is clear, therefore, is that the alcohol dissolves during the chemical
interaction which results in the production of a new substance. We have
then to apply the Islamic rule which states that a change of substance
may lead to changing its position with regard to permissibility or
otherwise. This rule applies to all substances and it is universally
agreed by all Muslim scholars. In this connection, I may mention that
when any intoxicant drink is turned into vinegar as a result of a
chemical process, it benetes permissible to use by Muslims. What we are
using here is vinegar, not an intoxicant drink. If this applies to wine
and other intoxicants which people may use in order to get drunk, then

it certainly applies to other liquids and beverages. The thing in which
we are interested here is the end product which human beings use. We do
not start by classifying the ingredients or go further to identify the
elements that are part of the makeup of every ingredient, because that
would lead to the prohibition of numerous things that are perfectly
permissible. In this regard, I may give the example of milk. If we were
to consider the place at which it originates, we would have concluded
that milk is forbidden to drink. There is no Muslim scholar who
suggests that because there is a clear indication in the Qur’an that it
is perfectly permissible and there are numerous reports that Prophet
always enjoyed a drink of milk. Verse 66 surah 16, entitled The Bee,
may be translated as follows: “In cattle too you have a lesson. We give
you drink of that which is in their bellies between the bowels and the
blood streams: pure milk, pleasant for those who drink it.” You note
how Allah refers to the place at which the milk originates and the
substance in-between where is produced, what is in the bowels and the
blood streams. Such stuff is forbidden to consume, but the milk that
results from their interaction, possibly with other ingredients, is
perfectly permissible. In the light of the fact that no amount of a
pure cola drink produces any sign of intoxication, we conclude that
such beverages as Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are permissible.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )