Heaven: Who enjoys heaven

Q252 :When I read the Qur’an, I feel that certain
verses, which speak of the bliss of heaven, mention some enjoyment
which seems to be exclusively for men. Could you please explain

A252 : Allah has sent Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) with a message to mankind and instructed him to address it to
all people, men and women, young and old. The message assigns the same
duties to all people, men and women. There are minor differences in
observances so that the duties of each sex fit in with the role its
members are required to play in human life. Since Allah is fair and
since His fairness is absolute, it follows that He rewards people
equally for the fulfillment of the same duties. This is clearly stated
in the Qur’an on numerous occasions. To give just two examples:
“Their Lord answers their (i.e. the believers’) prayer: I shall not
lose sight of the labor of anyone of you, be it man or woman: each of
you is an issue of the other. Hence, as for those who forsake the
domain of evil, and are driven from their homelands and suffer hurt in
My cause, and fight (for it) and are slain – I shall most certainly
affect their bad deeds and shall most certainly bring them into gardens
beneath which rivers flow as a reward from Allah: for with Allah is the
most beauteous of rewards” (3;195). “As for anyone, be it man or
woman, who does righteous deeds, and is also a believer, him We shall
most certainly cause to live a good life; and most certainly, We shall
grant to such as these their reward in accordance with the best they
ever did.” (16;97) Certain passages in the Qur’an which speak of the
reward believers have in heaven use the masculine gender throughout.
This is, however, a characteristic of Arabic, but we must understand it
is applicable to both men and women. If we believe in Allah’s justice,
then we must believe that good believing women will be as happy in
heaven as good believing men. The descriptions of heaven in the
Qur’an do not outline everything which is there. They are only examples
of what believers will enjoy.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )