Ihraam: Covering of right

Q268 :In Umrah, we forgot to uncover our right
shoulder during the sa’ie between As-Safa and Al-Marwah, but we
recognized our mistake later on and did what was necessary. Do we need
to netpensate in any way? What about the netpensation for a pilgrim who
goes about his sa’ie and tawaf with both his shoulders covered? Also,
what about those pilgrims who use safety pins to hold their Ihraam
garments on their shoulders?

A268 : It is renetmended, not obligatory, to have
one’s right shoulder uncovered during the first three rounds of only
the tawaf of arrival in pilgrimage and the tawaf of Umrah. It is also
renetmended to do these three rounds jogging, if that is at all
possible. This is to follow the Prophet’s example in showing strength
when fulfilling this task of pilgrimage. At any other time, which
includes the other four rounds of the first tawaf in pilgrimage and the
tawaf of Umrah, and the sa’ie and any other time, one should have his
right shoulder covered. But there is no harm in uncovering it. If one
does a mistake either way, there is no netpensation to be made, because
all this is a matter of renetmendation, not obligation. Using the
safety pins to hold the Ihraam garment in place is also permissible.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )