Insulting a religious

Q282 :Is a Muslim liable to punishment if he tears
off the Bible during a quarrel with Christians?

A282 : A Muslim is required to treat the followers
of other religion with respect. Although he does not agree with their
practices or with their concepts, he must keep that disagreement within
the limits which do not cause them to be offended. Allah gives us an
express order in the Qur’an not to abuse verbally the idols which
disbelievers associate as partners with Allah. This is mentioned in
verse 106 of Surah 6 which clarifies the reason for that prohibition,
explaining that if we were to hurl verbal abuse on their idols, they
will retaliate with hurling verbal abuse on Allah Himself. Mistaken as
their concepts are and idolatrous as their practices may be, every
netmunity considers their actions sound, wise and correct. It is
needless to say that this prohibition applies to everything that the
followers of other religions consider as sacred. With Christians and
Jews, we certainly have a special relationship, they follow religions
which have divine origins contained in revelations vouchsafed by Allah
to His two great messengers, Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them both.
Although we know that distortion has crept into the revelations
contained in the Torah and the Gospel, they remain sacred to the
followers of these two religions. If a Muslim tears off the Gospel or
the Bible, he should not wonder at a retaliatory action which may
involve tearing off the Qur’an. He would have invited such an action
which is bound to cause him great distress in addition to the fact that
it is totally uncalled for. A Muslim must always remember the Prophet’s
definition of a strong person. He says: “A strong person is not the one
who can overnete others physically, but the one who controls himself
when angry.” You say about the punishment for such an action. Most
offenses do not have specified punishment. It is left to a Muslim judge
to determine the punishment in accordance with the teachings of the
Qur’an and the Sunnah. If a Muslim is brought before an Islamic court
for having torn off the Bible during a quarrel with a Christian, he is
certain to be punished either by a fine or imprisonment or both, or
indeed any other punishment the judge may decide.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )