Lies: Uttering simple

Q329 :My grandmother is over 90. Sometimes we tell
her little lies to please her. Is it acceptable from the Islamic point
of view.

A329 : The Prophet was asked by one of his
netpanions about the cardinal sins and whether a Muslim may be guilty
of any of them. With every one of them the Prophet said that a Muslim
may netmit such a sin. But when he was asked whether a true believer
may lie, his answer was an emphatic ‘No’. Indeed, the instructions
against lying in all situations are both clear and numerous. There is
no situation which makes a lie acceptable, except in three cases: when
the purpose is to achieve reconciliation between two quarreling people,
or lying to the enemy of a Muslim state or Muslim netmunity and when a
man lies to his wife or she lies to him. Perhaps a word is needed here
to explain each of these situations. If a mediator trying to achieve
reconciliation between two people goes to each of them and tells him
that the other has been speaking highly of him, when he has not, this
is acceptable. Similarly, lying in order to protect the Muslim
netmunity from its enemies or to foil the enemy’s designs is also
acceptable. Indeed it is encouraged if it is the only way to achieve
that end. Again, when a man tells his wife that he loves her, such a
lie is acceptable. Similarly, when a wife assures her husband of her
unfailing love in order to maintain a happy family atmosphere, knowing
that her feelings towards him are not that passionate, she netmits no
sin. Obviously, the case of you and your grand-mother does not fall
under any of these three headings. To tell her a lie whether to please
her or to have a little laugh at her expense is unacceptable from the
Islamic point of view. Indeed it is forbidden.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )