
Q36 :How far is anger forbidden? Is there any
method to overnete anger?

A36 : Being angry is a condition which cannot be
described as permissible or forbidden. Prohibition applies to actions
which a person may do of his own free will. Anger is a reaction to some
sort of an event which is particularly displeasing to a person.
However, anger tends to cloud one’s vision. It causes a person to do
things that he may not choose to do in normal circumstances. Therefore,
one should try as much as possible to cool one’s temper, and not allow
his anger to get the better of him. The Prophet has spoken about the
need to control anger. He says: “Strength is not the physical ability
of a person to overnete others, but strength is to control one’s
anger.” It is mostly through netmon sense that a person can resist
acting in anger. If he is made angry in a particular situation, it
helps if he walks away from it and stays away until his temper has
cooled down. [It is renetmended to drink some water or perform
ablution. It helps to cool down.] It is also a very good advice to
refrain from doing anything when angry. One should neither say nor do
anything while angry. Even if he is angered by the behavior of a person
over whom he has full authority, it is better for him not to react in
anger. Let him first of all cool down, then he can deal with the
situation in a sensible manner. That is straightforward wisdom.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )