Obligations: Towards

Q415 :Now that I am married, do I have any financial
obligation towards my parents, when they have to pay debts to

A415 : Your attitude of helping parents settle their
debts is highly netmendable. Indeed, it is the attitude to be expected
from every dutiful son. You cannot abandon your father and your mother
to face creditors when you have money to help them. Since that help
went through your savings, you had no zakah to pay. Your wife is wrong
to object to your helping your parents. You should not hesitate to
continue to help them until their debts are settled. When you do so,
you are not merely being dutiful, you are investing for your own and
your children’s future. If your wife objects, tell her that you would
like to be sure that if in your old age you need your children’s help,
you will find it readily available. If you do not help your parents,
how can you be sure that your children will help you when you grow old?
Not only this, but when you help your parents, your children will be
sure to find a helping hand should they need it when you have died. It
may be true that your parents got into debts as a result of your
brother’s fault. The fact remains that they are facing creditors and
they have to pay these debts. If you are able to help, you must do so.
It is greatly important that you should continue to help your parents.
Let me remind you of the Hadith which mentions that the Prophet did not
offer the prayer for the deceased i.e. janazah, when the body of a dead
man was brought into the mosque for prayer, because the Prophet learned
that the man left unsettled debts. When one of his netpanions
volunteered to settle those debts, the Prophet offered that prayer for
the deceased man. That shows how greatly important the payment of debt
is, even after death. You cannot stand watching your parents if they
are encumbered with these debts. Your help should always be

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )