Prayers: Advanced on a rainy day

Q465 :Is there any tradition or Hadith concerning
the advancing of Isha prayer so as to netbine it with Maghrib on a
rainy day? I have only seen this after I have nete to work in Saudi
Arabia. Please explain.

A465 : As you are well aware, Islam is a religion
that is easy to follow. It does not wish to afflict people. When it
rains, particularly in an area like the Arabian Peninsula, roads benete
muddy and inconvenient to walk. Hence, when it rains, Muslims are given
the concession that they need not attend the congregational prayer in
the mosque. Furthermore, if they are in the mosque, and they are
offering Maghrib prayer when it is rainy, they may bring forward Isha
prayer and offer it with Maghrib so that they do not have to nete again
to the mosque. If rain is pouring down at the time of Maghrib prayer,
then the person who is making the call should announce that people may
pray where they are. An authentic report related by Al-Bukhari quotes
Abdullah ibn Al-Harith as saying: “Ibn Abbas gave us a sermon on a day
with mild rain and mud. When the athan was called and the person saying
the athan reached the phrase, “hay lla assalah”, which means “hasten to
prayer”, he ordered him to say in a loud voice: “Pray where you are.”
Those who were present looked at one another, so he said: “This was
done by people who were better than this man. It is an action of strong
resolve.” It may be suggested that in our modern cities, rain does not
cause much mud. There is no doubt, however, that it is still very
inconvenient to walk in the rain. The concession is there to follow.
Hence, we need not hesitate about benefiting by this concession. If it
is raining, we need not go to the mosque for the congregational prayer.
If we are in the mosque and it rains, then we may advance Isha and join
it with Maghrib so that we do not go out twice on a rainy night.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )