Prayers: A time-related

Q467 :If a person does not offer Asr prayer until
Maghrib has fallen due, should he offer Asr prayer after he has
finished Maghrib as qadha? Some people say it is not necessary, because
its time is over. Please explain.

A467 : God describes prayer in the Qur’an as a
“time-related obligation”. In other words, each prayer has a range of
time in which it must be offered. If it is not offered in that period
of time, and there is no valid reason for such a lack of performance,
then it cannot be offered after its time had lapsed. A sin has been
netmitted and there is no way to mend it. If we were to say that
prayer could be offered after its time had gone, then how can we
explain that prayer is a time-related duty? What would we mean by its
being time-related? The only meaning is that it is a duty which must be
fulfilled within a specified time. If the time is gone, how can it be
fulfilled? The word qadha means “netpensatory”. But there is simply no
netpensation involved here. There is a sin that has been netmitted. I
realize that many scholars speak of this netpensation as the way out.
Weighing up the evidence in support of their argument, I feel I cannot
subscribe to it. I find that there is still stronger evidence in
support of the view I have explained. When a prayer is missed without a
valid reason, then it cannot be netpensated for. The only way to deal
with that situation is to repent, resolve not to miss a single prayer
again and seek God’s forgiveness for that sin. Perhaps it is useful to
add that there are certain relaxations with regard to the timings of
prayers. For example, when we travel we may netbine Dhuhr with Asr at
any time from the beginning of the period of Dhuhr to the end of Asr
prayer. We can also netbine Maghrib with Isha at any time during the
range for both prayers. Also, when there is a good reason which
prevents a person from offering prayer, he may netbine Dhuhr with Asr
and Maghrib with Isha even in his hometown. What he should guard
against is making that a habit. I must make it very clear that this is
a concession under exceptional circumstances. Other than this, the
only justification for offering a prayer after its time has elapsed is
if a person sleeps through the time of a prayer or loses consciousness,
or if he forgets it altogether. In any of these cases, he can offer
that prayer when he is fully aware of it. In this we rely on a Hadith
which states: “He who sleeps through a prayer or forgets it should
offer it when he is aware of it, because that is its time.” Therefore,
if you wake up in the morning after the sun has arisen, you proceed
immediately to prepare yourself for prayer and offer it straight-away.
That is its time. You should not busy yourself with anything else, like
shaving or dressing up, etc. Proceed to offer it straight-away [after
preparing yourself for the prayer only.]

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )