Prayers: Combined in

Q470 :What is the reason for joining two prayers on
returning from Arafat?

A470 : When the Prophet set out on his pilgrimage he
was joined by no fewer than one hundred thousand of Muslims who wanted
to do the pilgrimage with him. As he started, he said to them: “Learn
your rituals from me”. What he meant was that we should do the
pilgrimage in the manner he has shown us. If you study carefully the
reports of the way the Prophet conducted his pilgrimage, you realize
that the pattern he set was deliberate and well thought out. Nothing
took place by mere coincidence. Therefore, we must follow the
Prophet’s example if we wish to do the pilgrimage properly. We need not
question the reasons behind any selected method for doing a particular
duty. This is the way Allah wants us to conduct this act of worship. We
do it as He wishes, i.e. in the way shown to us by the Prophet. On the
day of Arafat, the Prophet offered his prayers in a particular way and
told all pilgrims with him to do likewise. He prayed Dhuhr and Asr
consecutively at Arafat, shortly after the time of Dhuhr prayer began.
Furthermore, he shortened each of the two prayers to two rak’ahs.
Although people from Makkah may feel that Arafat is at too short a
distance to merit shortening prayer, they should do as the Prophet has
done, because the Prophet was joined by thousands of pilgrims from
Makkah and all offered their prayers as he did. After the sun had set
on that day, one of his netpanions suggested to the Prophet that they
should offer Maghrib prayers. The Prophet told him that on that
particular occasion, prayer would be offered after they had reached a
certain spot. It was only after reaching Muzdalifah that the Prophet
offered Maghrib and Isha prayer. Therefore, these two prayers must be
offered in Muzdalifah. They must be joined together, which means that
Maghrib is offered netplete, three rak’ahs and finished with Salam.
Immediately afterward, people should rise to offer their Isha prayer
which is shortened to two rak’ahs. This is what the Prophet has taught
us and this is the manner which we must follow.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )