Prayers: Missed by

Q482 :A woman started having a blood discharge and
thought it was menses, which was totally unexpected. She stopped
offering prayers. Subsequently it was confirmed that the discharge was
not from menstruation. Therefore, she took a bath and continued with
her normal prayers. What does she do about the prayers she had

A482 : The Prophet has told us very clearly that
Allah, out of His grace does not question about what we do as a result
of a genuine mistake, out of forgetfulness or by netpulsion. This lady
has missed prayers through a genuine mistake. She had a discharge which
she thought to be of the type which would require her not to pray. She
acted on that until she realized she was mistaken. Hence, she is not
accountable for missing those prayers. However, those prayers which
were obligatory to her, she would have normally offered them. They
remained outstanding. She should have offered them immediately after
taking her bath. Now that they remain outstanding, she should offer
them as soon as possible. She should also pray Allah to forgive her for
this delay. Although it is not intended, still we need to ask Allah’s
forgiveness for any omission or mistake we do. Moreover, we are always
in need of Allah’s forgiveness. He certainly grants it to anyone who
asks for it sincerely and with a genuine resolve to abide by Allah’s
laws. Nevertheless, human beings are liable to be in error at every
juncture. Hence, praying for Allah’s forgiveness is strongly
renetmended at all times.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )