Qur’an: Reading without

Q548 :Is it allowed to hold one’s copy of the Qur’an
and read it without ablution? Is it permissible to put it close to
where one sleeps?

A548 : Whenever you wish to read the Qur’an or to
glorify Allah, you are strongly renetmended to have ablution. Indeed a
Muslims is renetmended to have ablution at all times. However, if you
are in a place where it is inconvenient to have ablution, but have time
to read the Qur’an, you may go ahead and read it, even if you hold a
copy of the Qur’an in your hand. Some people suggest that this is not
permissible, but the weightier opinion is that it is. As I say, it is
infinitely better to have ablution, but if you cannot, then you netmit
no offense, if you read the Qur’an or hold it in your hand when you do
not have ablution. As long as you put the Qur’an in a place where it
is not ill-used, you can keep it anywhere. Many people would like to
have a copy of the Qur’an, near to where they sleep. That is
appropriate, provided they do not have it for their protection or
blessing. Protection is granted by Allah and blessing is derived from
reading the Qur’an and implementing it.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )