
Q601 :I intend to study medicine in a European or
American university, but I also have a strong desire to benete a heavy
metal singer or a pop singer. As I am a Muslim, I will not sing in
clubs or discotheques. Nor will I drink or get involved in any of the
practices which are clearly forbidden in Islam. I will continue to
observe my Islamic duties, and will make much of my singing for
charitable purposes. Some people suggest that I will still be making a
sin if I do so. Please netment.

A601 : Scholars differ with regard to how singing is
viewed in Islam. Many say that it is permissible while others say that
it is undesirable or discouraged, and still others view it as
forbidden. People who have a very strictive view of singing, repeat
some sayings which speak of certain punishments to those who listen to
singing. Such sayings, or those of them which are attributed to the
Prophet, lack in authenticity. It is perhaps the weightier opinion
that singing is permissible. It is the view of many scholars in the
Hanbali school of thought. To start with, singing is a natural
tendency of human beings. People like a melodious voice and a pleasant
tune. When the words which are sung have a beautiful and decent
meaning, it is enchanting to listen to them. When we add this to the
fact there is no clear statement by the Prophet which can be construed
to forbid singing, we are bound to conclude that the view which permits
singing is weightier. Having said that, I must add that Islam does not
encourage that singing benetes institutionalized in the sense that
there are places which people may frequent in order to listen to songs,
as happens in clubs and discotheques. Frequenting such places is
strongly discouraged. I netmend your attitude in seeking to know the
Islamic view of what you have in mind before actually doing it. This is
the proper attitude of a Muslim, especially when he is embarking on
something on which the Islamic view may not be immediately clear to
him. I also renetmend your resolution to abide by Islamic teachings and
not to netmit any of such practices which Islam forbids. But I still
have a number of points to make in connection with what you intend to
do. I should perhaps start with explaining a principal Islamic
legislation which has a far-reaching effect. This concerns lawful
matters, where the verdict is changed, when the practice of such lawful
matter leads to something unlawful. When there is a strong likelihood
that a person gets involved in something which is in itself
permissible, then we tell him that the permissible matter is no longer
permitted to him because it leads to doing what is forbidden. This
principle may work at individual or netmunity levels. The permissible
practice may not generally lead to anything forbidden, except in
individual cases. In such a situation we say that it is forbidden to

those whom it leads to do what is sinful. I have pointed this
principle out in order to ask you to consider your position after you
have benete a famous singer. Will not there be a strong temptation for
you to sing in parties or clubs or dancing places? Will you be able to
resist the inevitably numerous attempts by agents, friends, and
admirers who will try to get you to change your resolution, offering in
return large amounts of money, or prestige, or both? You have also to
consider the effects of your singing on your audience. If you benete a
pop star and produce records that have a strong appeal to teenagers in
a permissive Western society, do you not think that you also bear some
responsibility of what may take place in their clubs and discotheques
when they dance to your music? You may not be there singing to them,
but your records will be played. Moreover, can you escape them when
they hunt you at your house, in your hotels and wherever you go? You
may say that it is your firm intention not to have anything to do with
all that. It may be so, but we have an important principle in
Islam,which tells that it is always better to avoid any gray tea which
may lead to something forbidden. The Prophet says that “What is
permissible is clear and what is forbidden is also clear. In between,
there are some matters which are rather doubtful. He who avoids what is
doubtful makes sure of staying within the bounds of his faith. He who
falls in them will fall in sin. He is just like a shepherd who takes
his sheep for grazing close to a restricted area: he is very likely to
overstep its boundaries. Every king has a protected area of his own.
Allah’s protected area is that made up by what He has forbidden.”
This Hadith gives you very clear guidance Do not go near what is
forbidden lest you may fall in it. If I have a son of your age and he
expresses to me the same desire as you have expressed, I am clear in my
mind what advice I will give him. I will say to him that he may take up
singing as a hobby which he practices himself, at home, or with his
closest friends. But I will strongly discourage from taking up singing
as a career. The risks are too evident to be ignored.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )