Umrah: A

Q647 :If one performed the Umrah, must he also
perform Haj? Is it true that if he does not, the Umrah will not be

A647 : I must admit that I find this argument
intriguing. Why should the delayed performance of one duty affect
another duty which has already been performed? Both Umrah and
pilgrimage are duties applicable to all Muslims. The only condition
which makes this requirement optional relates to the ability of the
person to perform this duty. When a person meets the condition of
ability, he should hasten to perform the pilgrimage and the Umrah as
early as possible. If he delays its performance, he never knows whether
he will be able to fulfil his duty the following year or later. With
this possibility in view, the Prophet instruct us: “Offer your
pilgrimage before you are unable to offer it.” I realize that some
people argue that it is better to offer the pilgrimage in old age, when
one will have all his sins forgiven. This is a false argument. For one
thing, a person is never sure that he will be able to offer the
pilgrimage when he grows old. For another, the benefit of offering
pilgrimage early in one’s life is limitless. Now, Umrah is a duty in
the same way pilgrimage is one. Its fulfilment must be done as early as
possible. Therefore, when you are able to go to Makkah to do the Umrah,
you should do so. Whether this takes place at the same time that you do
the pilgrimage or not is immaterial. If you have not done the
pilgrimage yet but you are able to go and perform the Umrah, you
should not hesitate to do so. There is nothing which will render your
Umrah invalid after you have offered it. It is not right that its
reward depends on whether or not you offered the pilgrimage.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )