Video and

Q661 :Does Islam prohibit the use of video cameras
or taking pictures, for any purpose? Could you cite any reference to
such a prohibition in the Qur’an or the Hadith?

A661 : A number of Hadiths are quoted which make it
clear that it is forbidden to create a likeness of Allah’s living
creation. Among the most telling of these are a sacred or Qudsi Hadith
and a statement by the Prophet. In the sacred or Qudsi Hadith, the
Prophet quotes Allah as saying : “Who does a greater sin than one who
tries to create something like My creation. Let them create a particle
or a seed or a barley seed.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The
authentic statement by the Prophet quotes him as saying: “Those who
endure the most grievance or suffering on the Day of Resurrection are
the ones who create a likeness.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). In
many of these Hadiths, the Arabic word used for the “creation of a
likeness” is the same as we use today for photography. Hence, some
scholars have tended to pronounce photography as forbidden on the basis
of these Hadiths. However, photography was invented long after the
Prophet and, therefore, it is not possible that these Hadiths refer to
photography unless there was some technique at the time of the Prophet
which was used to create photos in the same way as a camera does. Since
there was none, we should determine what the word signified at that
time. If we consider how the word is used in the Qur’an, we find that
it is invariably used to denote how Allah creates people, animals and
things. In its original use the word sawara means “to give shape and
form.” Hence, majority of learned scholars are of the view that these
Hadiths refer to sculpture and making statues and shapes and engravings
on stone or wood to create likenesses of Allah’s creation. Hence, there
is no disagreement among scholars that such works are forbidden not
only to produce, but also to buy, possess or display. Photography does
not enter into that. The late Sheikh Muhammad Bakheet, a former Mufti
of Egypt, has made it clear that photography is not included in such
prohibition. He states that this art is no more than capturing a shade
or a reflection by special technique. He clarifies that what is
forbidden is to create a likeness which has no previous existence in
order to produce something like what Allah has created. Using a camera
to take a picture is similar to fixing what we see in a mirror. No one
says that looking into mirror is forbidden because it shows a likeness
of Allah’s creation. We use lenses in cameras in order to capture a
mirror picture of the person or the object for which we need a photo.
This is perfectly legitimate. The same applies to using a video camera
because it does no more than taking a large number of still pictures
which, when shown rapidly, create the image of movement. Having said
that, I should add that the purpose for which the photos and videos are

used is certainly significant in arriving at a ruling concerning them.
We can, therefore, conclude that the likenesses, whether shaped or
painted which carry the strictest prohibition are those which have for
their objects persons or other creatures whom some people worship, such
as the statues of Jesus Christ. Such likenesses are forbidden to make,
sell or own or to photograph. Similarly, statues of people who are not
worshipped but are given a position of majesty are also forbidden. All
statues and sculpture work are forbidden as well unless they are
treated as toys for children. Paintings of people who are glorified are
forbidden to hang, particularly if they are paintings of dictators,
unjust rulers, atheists or people whose conduct is anti-Islamic. On the
other hand, paintings of natural scenery are permissible. Photographs
are permissible to start with, unless they are photographs of someone
or something which is forbidden. Take, for example, a person who is
worshipped by his followers or glorified in an exaggerated way. To have
his photograph hung on the wall as a sign of respect is forbidden,
particularly if he is a disbeliever or an atheist. For example,
Communists glorify Lenin and have his picture everywhere. It is
forbidden for a Muslim to display a photograph of Lenin, because Lenin
was a man who denied the existence of Allah and who sought to replace
religion with a creed of his own. Whatever is applicable to videos and
video tapes of the above uses, have the same ruling. Moreover, a video
camera may be used for a variety of purposes. The purpose dictates the
ruling. If we use a video camera to study animal life in order to
understand Allah’s creation, knowing that when we learn something new
about the universe and Allah’s work in it, we feel that our faith gets
stronger, then there is no harm in such use. Any other permissible use
is approved. But when we use a video camera to, say, film a woman
dancer who displays a part of her body which Allah has forbidden to
reveal, then we are using a video camera for a forbidden purpose.
Hence, its use benetes forbidden. I have dwelt in detail on this
question hoping to clarify its different aspects. I am particularly
keen that there remains no misconception about the use of photography
and video cameras.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )