White gold

Q668 :Is it forbidden for a Muslim man to carry
anything made of gold or of silk? The other day I was told that silver
too is forbidden, but the so-called “white gold” is allowed. I tried to
refute both points without success. It seems that some people do not
realize that “white gold” is just as much gold as the “yellow” variety.
The hard metal in yellow gold is copper, while in white gold it can be
nickel or palladium or platinum. In other words, white gold can be
considerably more expensive than yellow gold of the same carat. Please

A668 : I agree with you entirely about white and
yellow gold. They are both the same with regard to what is permissible
and what is forbidden. It is not he color which matters, but the
substance. Since it is gold, then it is forbidden for men to wear. But
wearing is the key point. As far as jewelry is concerned, a man is
forbidden to wear what is made of gold or any jewelry in which gold
constitutes a considerable portion. As for silk, wearing garments made
of silk is forbidden, but it is not forbidden to carry either article
or to buy it, since they are permissible for women. If you are going
home on vacation and you want to buy an article of jewelry for your
wife or you mother or sister, then it is perfectly legitimate to do so
and to carry it home with you. As for jewelry for men, it is
permissible for a Muslim man to wear a silver ring or to have his
sword, or gun or helmet or belt of similar articles adorned with
silver. But other articles are not permissible to adorn, even with
silver. As for gold, nothing is permissible unless required by
necessity, such as tooth fillings. Perhaps the person who told you
that silver articles are also forbidden for men has confused jewelry
with other articles. It may be useful to point out here that it is
forbidden for men and women alike to eat or drink in plates or glasses
or cups made of gold or silver. The Prophet says: “Do not drink in
utensils made of gold or silver and do not eat in plates made of
either. Such articles are for them in this life and for you in the life
to nete” (related by Al-Bukhari). What the Prophet means is that such
articles may be used by non-believers in this life, but in the life to
nete it is only the believers who will enjoy using them, as the
non-believers will be suffering in hell. The Prophet is also quoted as
saying: “A person who drinks in a cup made of silver drags the fire of
hell into his tummy” (Related by Al-Bukhari). It is also forbidden to
have cups, plates or other utensils made of silver or gold or to order
them to be made. Again this is applicable to both men and women. The
reason for this prohibition is that it is evidence of squandering one’s
money and showing off.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )