Women: Covering their head in

Q678 :Is it explicitly stated in the Qur’an that
women must cover their hair in public? If so, in which surah and in
what verse?

A678 : The simple answer is yes. Verse 31 of Surah
24, entitled “Light”, or “An-Noor”, deals specifically with how women
should appear in public and which groups of relatives are exempted from
the general rule that governs women’s dress. They may reveal their
adornment in the presence of their husbands, fathers, fathers-in-law,
sons, sons-in-law, brothers, nephews, other women, etc. The same verse
includes the order that women “must draw their head-covering which
should be of ample length to be used to cover their bosom”, in case her
dress is of such style as to reveal a part of her bosom. If her dress
or blouse covers her bosom and is not tight, then it is good enough.
But that does not mean that a woman does not cover her hair in such a
case. Your question is phrased in such a away that it suggests that
unless you have a Qur’anic statement giving a specific order, you would
not accept the ruling known to everyone in this particular case. As
you know, God’s message has been conveyed to us by the Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) and the fact that we are Muslims means that we
believe in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as God’s messenger.
This is indeed the testimony we make when we declare that we are
Muslims, believing that “there is no deity save God, and that Muhammad
(peace be upon him) is God’s messenger.” God Himself defines the
relationship of total obedience to Him. God says: “Take whatever the
messenger gives you and refrain from whatever he forbids you.” (59;7)
There are several Hadiths which make it abundantly clear that a woman
must cover her head when she goes out in public. If there was no
Qur’anic statement to this effect, then these Hadiths are sufficient to
make the order an obligation which must be fulfilled.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )