Women: Seductively dressed

Q702 :The Prophet is quoted to have condemned the
women who, “Although clothed, are yet naked, seducing and being
seduced, their hairstyle is like the tilted humps of camels. These will
not enter paradise nor will its fragrance even reach them, although its
fragrance reaches a very great distance.” Could you please explain why
is this particular hairstyle censured by the Prophet?

A702 : It is not merely a specific hairstyle that is
censured by the Prophet. It is the fact that a woman tries to attract
the attention of other people when she goes out or appears in public.
This is what is meant by the description by the Prophet of such women
as “clothed are yet naked.” They certainly wear clothes, but their
attire is meant to be attractive, or even seductive. In this way, they
help promote indecency in society. As you are well aware, a Muslim
woman should dress in a decent and modest fashion. Her dress should
cover all her body with the exception of her face and forearms. When a
woman reveals any other part of her body in front of men, she violates
Islamic teachings.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )