Working for a non-Muslim

Q713 :Could you please netment on the permissibility
of Muslims being employed by non-Muslim government?

A713 : The answer depends on various variables. What
we can say, however, is that if the government concerned is not in an
actual state of war with any Muslim country, then the Muslim individual
must consider the nature of the job he will be doing. If it is
calculated to benefit the people or stop something evil from happening
to them, then he may go ahead and do that job. What such a Muslim
employee must do is to ensure that his work does not place him in a
position where he has to netpromise any principle or part of his faith.
He must also not do any type of work which helps any anti-Islamic creed
or philosophy to strengthen its roots or to spread. On the other hand,
if he can make use of his position or his work in order to make Islam
nete to be reviewed in less hostile light, or if he is able to promote
a favorable image of Islam, then he should not hesitate to accept that
work. He should indeed balance out the benefits he believes will accrue
to Islam or to Muslims as a result of his work against the harm that
might result from it, or at least against the benefits which
non-Muslims will gain from his work. It is even more important to
consider whether it is permissible for a Muslim to work for a
tyrannical government which is clearly hostile to Islam and which rules
over a Muslim country. This is a very tricky situation which each
individual has to consider on the basis of his circumstance in the
light of what he is required to do. Generally speaking, however, we can
say that if a person is able to promote something of benefit or stop
something evil as a result of his work, then he should not hesitate to
accept such employment. A clear example is that of a teacher,
regardless of the subject he teaches. A teacher who is netmitted to the
cause of Islam is able to influence his students and help them
recognize the importance and benefits of implementing Islam. If every
Muslim was to refuse to work as a teacher at the schools of his country
because the government is hostile to Islam, then teaching posts will go
to people who are either hostile to Islam, or, at best, neutral to its
cause. Such a situation is likely to perpetuate the domination by
forces opposed to Islam in a Muslim country. That eventuality is
totally unwelnete.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )