Zakah: Payment to one’s

Q735 :A father, who spent a lot of money on the
education of his son, stopped his support after realizing that the son
was not serious about his studies. Indeed, the son was practically
stopped from pursuing his studies. However, he is married and has no
means to support himself or his wife. Is it permissible for his father
to pay Zakah to his son?

A735 : No, it is not permissible to pay one’s zakah
to one’s son or one’s father. That is due to the fact that a Muslim is
required to support his father or his son if the latter is poor. If he
were to pay him his zakah, he would be paying it to himself, as it
would reduce his own liability. In this particular case, it is perhaps
right that the father should stop supporting his son who has not
responded properly to his father’s kindness and support by trying to
obtain a university degree. Perhaps the son always has had it easy,
having always received what he needs from his father. The father’s
action may cause him to nete to his senses and begin to look for a job
in order to support himself and his wife. If the father wants to
achieve this result, he would not be looking for other means to support
his son. He has to let him face the situation squarely.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )